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Bipolar but a fighter

Depression, overdramatic, too sensitive, immature, etc.

These are just some of the comments I hear whenever I suffer from breakdowns

I am aware that I am again undergoing a moment

But no matter how hard I try to pull myself out of that scenario I just can’t

The weight of the negative emotions keeps getting heavier

So, how do I handle my depression or bipolar moments?

I let myself be down or cry for a certain period

While ensuring that I won’t let myself get trapped with the whole negative emotions

Because if I will let myself be fully absorbed, I know where that will lead me

And that is a place or moment I don’t want to be in.

For people who are also fighting their bipolar disorder

We all deserve a pat on the back and remind ourselves that no matter how hard and impossible

We can all overcome our downtimes

And those moments will not be our weaknesses but the more reason for us to be stronger



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